On Friday, March 6, we loaded up the car & headed to Atlanta, to meet up with Scott's parents for the weekend.
Why Atlanta? Because, for Christmas, Scott & his Dad got tickets to the NASCAR race at the Atlanta Motor Speedway. I picked that one because I thought it would be fun for them, and why not pick a place where I have friends & family that I could also spend some time with?? I'm so smart.
The drive down took WAY longer than it should have, thanks to a semi that got stuck under an overpass on I-24. The detour that we took, and the time spent sitting in traffic before we could get off the interstate, added a good 3.5 hours to the drive. Yuck. We arrived at our hotel around 11 pm.
Glenn was in quite the good mood Saturday morning.

Showing Sean some love

My very good friend, Teresa, met us at the hotel and we all loaded up for a trip to Stone Mountain.
Here, we're waiting for our ride on the Sky Lift. I was a little worried that Glenn might freak out on the thing, but he loved it. Thank goodness.

At the top of Stone Mountain.

Glenn & Granna helping each other to navigate the giant rock.

Me, wearing Sean, trying not to fall & break my neck on said giant rock.

Glenn showing off his new Stone Mountain train.

Glenn wandering around on his own for a bit, and me trying to get Sean to give up the fight & go to sleep.

Me & my sleeping babe. That's Teresa in the black sweater.

After Stone Mountain, we went for a late lunch at Maggiano's. Glenn greatly enjoyed the Pesto Linguine.

Teresa & Sean

Me, Teresa & Glenn

That evening, I decided to give Sean a bath in the sink. He splashed that water ALL OVER the kitchen area. I'm surprised the microwave still worked. I finally had to drain the water so that I could actually wash the boy.

Glenn enjoyed a bubble bath under Granna's supervision.

Sean, all ready for bed, trying to eat both of his hands.

Obviously, Glenn's not quite ready to get going yet... I love the way Sean's looking at him.

Scott, Glenn, Sean & Dad (aka Jon, aka Pada)

While the men went to the race, Mom/Granna and I went to visit my cousin, Christy, and her beautiful family.
Mary Alice & Sean

Ben, Natalie, Mary Alice, Glenn & Sean

Glenn is usually such a ham for pictures, but I guess today was the exception.
Ben, Natalie, Glenn & Mary Alice

Love the look Glenn's giving me here.

The girls just loved Sean.

Ben, helping his Dad dig a trench for some logs. (I wonder if that project ever got finished...)

Glenn needed to pitch in, of course. You can't have any kind of tool out around that boy, without him wanting to help. (And I use that word, "help", loosely.)

Glenn moved the dirt from the ground to the top of a log. Not sure what the motivation was for that one.

This was the first time Glenn had ever been on a non-baby swing. I couldn't believe he didn't fall off, or freak out, at any point.

Jumping around on the trampoline with Natalie & Mary Alice

Sean wasn't very exciting. He got in some much needed snoozing on his Granna - and she didn't complain about
that one little bit!

The pool. This was the cause of many near-coronaries for me. Glenn runs around like a crazy man when he's outside and he's never been around a pool like this before, so I was
really conscious of it.

More digging

On the slide

Mary Alice & I on the hammock.

Glenn sporting a nice little lump that he got while trying to safely exit the trampoline. He cried for about 30 seconds after he fell, and then he was on to the next thing. (It didn't bruise up nearly as bad as I thought it would, thankfully.)

Dinner outside on a gorgeous evening.

"Big" Glenn & Sean

The two Glenns. (Glenn's holding a snake [fishing bait, really] that he found)

We left Christy's house & got back to the hotel around 9pm - just after the men got back. We all had an excellent day on Sunday.
Great weekend - and no troubles at all on the drive home on Monday. Excellent trip.
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