Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Ice & Snow

According to, Louisville got 6 inches of snow & 1/2 to 3/4 inches of ice.

Our deck

A branch out of one of our trees
Glenn's toys - no truck or bike riding for him for a while!
The gate. I think it looks neat with the ice wrapped all around it.

Our Weeping-something/Bradford Pear tree in the front yard. (Why would someone splice two such different trees together???)
A break in the spliced tree.

Our welcome sign. The kitty's freezing!
Glenn's tree
And now, for the fun Glenn had!

Glenn loved helping his Daddy clean off the Pilot so that he can hopefully get in it in the morning to go to work.

Icicles don't work all that well...

... but the scraper/brush does!


Steven Adami said...

That is a lot of snow. Reminds me of Canada.

Jonathan's Mommy said...

I hoped for the snow but now I'm over it. I've even (gasp!) ready to go back to work tomorrow!

Don't you just love a Honda? I have an obscene adoration for my CR-V so I know the Pilot must be happy too!