Sunday, June 10, 2007

Simon's birthday party

Simon's birthday party was held the Saturday before his actual birthday, but he didn't care. In attendance were both sets of grandparents, one set of great-grandparents, Scott, Glenn and I. Ted, Tina & Ethan, too, of course!

Simon was very interested in the presents that Ethan "helped" him open.

Watching the show... from left, great-grandpa, Pada, Scott, Tina and Glenn

Glenn got tired of just watching.

And he got tired of not playing...
Simon wants that ball back!

I have no idea what to say about this one.

Ethan used just about every bit of breath he had to blow up this big smiley ball (And that's saying a lot, 'cos Ethan can do some talking!!)


Gimme that camera

Really. Give it to me.

More playing with the ball (Ethan's still working on that big yellow one.)

It's done!


Taking a break from the big yellow ball, to chew on some other presents

Somebody's gotta catch it

Glenn enjoyed Simon's presents, too.

Time for cake!

I don't know about this...

Maybe not.

Well, maybe it isn't too bad.

Cake makes me thirsty!

Glenn in the standard toy car

Naked(ish) boys playing with the car. It was warm!

I think Simon had a great day (he was worn out when we finally left) - nothing's better than a party!

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