Lots of pictures follow!!
On July 5, we loaded up the Honda & headed to Myrtle Beach for a big family vacation. Us, Mom & Dad, my cousin Doug & his family, my cousin Lisa & her family, and (coming to meet us from Virginia) two great-aunts & a 2 more cousins. I think there were 21 of us, total.
We took two days to get there (yes, we could have done it in 1 day, but would YOU want to spend 12 hours in a car with a 2 year old and a 7 months pregnant gal? I think not.) and Glenn had lots of fun entertaining Nanny (formerly known as Nana) & Pawpaw in the back seat.

Examining the feet for grass that might have snuck into his shoe on that last stop, maybe?

The first night, we stayed at Days Inn in Spartanburg, SC.
Here, Glenn enjoys a sucker and some snuggly-Daddy time.

Glenn found this big (about 3 inches across) and beautiful moth outside of one of the rooms while pushing his rolling backpack around the hotel on Sunday morning.

We arrived at Myrtle Beach and checked into the hotel around 4. Thanks to my wonderful Momma, we had four two-room suites. All had private balconies. 3 were on the 6th floor, one on the 3rd. Thanks, Mom!
This is the pool located at our tower. (The hotel has 4 towers)

"Kids" lazy river, also at our tower, and the ramp/stairs to the beach. To the left is the bigger lazy river.

The view from our private balcony.

Our bedroom. Mom & Dad got the other one.

View from the main/public balcony outside of the entry doors.

First day on the beach. Glenn was not a big fan of the sand, really. Especially when it was on his feet! But he did enjoy squishing my face.

Scott's sorta riding some waves. Mom and I spotted what we hope were dolphins while Scott was out there.

Glenn liked being in the crashing waves, but only as long as he had Daddy to hang on to. (He wasn't much for having so much as a toe in the ocean without someone holding on to him, but absolutely loved the pool where he could run amok under close supervision.)

After a while, Glenn got interested in playing in the sand - but kept his feet firmly on the towel!

Rough waves wear a man out.

One happy little family hanging out in the ocean. We're just to the right of the middle.

Glenn showing off his sand buggy - and me, showing off my big ol' belly! (The baby seemed to enjoy the waves, if the wiggling I felt after was any indication.)

After a great dinner at Captain George's on Tuesday evening, 18 of us joined up for some mini golf fun at Lost Treasure something or other. Glenn even got a putter to try to smack a ball with.

Us on the train to the top of the course. Glenn
loves trains!

Glenn giving Pawpaw some pointers?

Now it's Aunt Linda's turn.

Glenn loved going up & down (and up & down and up & down...) the steps in the pool. And at the shallow end, he could walk right in on a ramp that started at no water, and went to 3 ft. You can sort of see us at the steps here, on our last night.

Relaxing in the room before bed. We got this little car Tuesday night, but it didn't make it home. I have no idea where it wound up.

Scott vegging in front of the tv.

At EdVenture Children's Museum in Columbia, SC
"Eddie" is 40 feet tall, sitting down.

Eddie's innards. You could hear the "heart" beating. Pretty neat.

Apparently, Eddie likes dragon flies.

The "From here to Timbuktu" Exhibit

"Air Play" Exhibit
Air cannon

Tunnels - put a little foam ball in one end of the tube and WHOOM, it comes flying out the other end. Glenn loved it. We had to pull him out of this room.

Scott had to play, too.

A big (quiet!) vacuum.

Little boats on what looked like an Air Hockey table.

"Mission Imagination"


Making giant bubbles with Daddy

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