As you can see, the back of the Pilot was loaded high with our luggage. Glenn spent much of his drive time multi-tasking.
Friday night, October 12, we stayed in a hotel in Valdosta, GA. No pictures of that one.
Saturday, the 13th, we got to Ft. Lauderdale around 4:15 pm. Our hotel was a couple of blocks from the beach and we took Glenn out for his first view of the ocean. The water was kind of rough, so he didn't care for it too much.
Wind surfers?
Driving all day makes a boy VERY sleepy...
Playing with Pawpaw after a late nap.
Very nice bathtub in the master bedroom that only Glenn got to enjoy... sort of. He didn't truly like his bath that night, as he usually does, but somebody had to make use of it!
Sunday, October 14 - Ft. Lauderdale, FL / Port Everglades
Waiting for breakfast at IHOP. Yummy!Here's Glenn checking out the activity on the pier, from our balcony.
Monday, October 15 - Princess Cays, Bahamas
Nice shot of Glenn with our ship on the right there. I still think he's not sure what to think, here, of the beach, but he later had some fun in the ocean and then took a nice long nap on Daddy, then Mommy.
The last of the "tender" boats coming back to be reunited with the ship.
Tuesday, October 16 - at sea all day.
Just wanted a good shot of that great, blue water. I have a new favorite color...
Awesome sunset that night.
October 17 - Ocho Rios, Jamaica
Getting closer...
Pilot boat coming in to drop off a Jamaican pilot to bring the ship into port.
We took a shore excursion to Walkerswood (great Jerk spices!), Wassi (pottery) Art Gallery and Dunn's River Falls.
Walkerswood Glenn's crazy about Pawpaw's walking stick...
Thyme of some sort, I think. I should have taken notes. They grow a lot of their own herbs at Walkerswood. The land is gorgeous!!
Wassi Art Gallery One of the artists. Amazing how quickly a lump of muck turns into something gorgeous...
Dunn's River Falls.
Anyhow, Scott and I climbed the falls. Quite the awesome experience, even tho it was crowded with lots of other climbers. Here we are at the top.
Thursday, October 18 - Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands
Scott and I kayaked, and Nana and Pawpaw hung out with Glenn. (Kayak & snorkel pictures on previously-mentioned disposable camera.)
Glenn loves climbing on Pawpaw.October 19 - Cozumel, Mexico
More gorgeous blue water as we get closer to the port. Several other ships were there, too.
View of Cozumel from the front of our ship.
Our ship on the left, Carnival Conquest on the right. Such a great sight, being between such huge ships, so close together.
View from the sidewalk in downtown Cozumel. (Zoomed in, from across the street, that is.)
Saturday, October 20. At sea.
Scott and his dad took a tour of the galley Saturday morning.
Fruit carvings used for one of the special buffets.
Stainless steel as far as the eye can see...
Glenn was having a 'moment' while we were all waiting for the Baked Alaska show (traditional for last-night dinners, I think), and Edmundo (our head waiter) took him into the galley to get ice cream. Glenn isn't always big on being carried away by people other than me, but he willingly went with Edmundo. Maybe he knew ice cream was coming?
Baked Alaska!!
Edmundo & Ferdinand. Awesome guys! They treated us magnificently and we had so much fun with them. I know that they do this every week for everyone, but I just loved them.
We made it home safe & sound on October 22, around 5:30 or so. I was sorry to see the trip end, but glad to be home!
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