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Visitors from afar
The day after Christmas, my two favorite uncles and my cousin, Brett, came into town to stay with us. Ron is from Georgia, and Sid and Brett live in California. I don't get to see them nearly as often as I'd like, so having them stay with us for a few days was nothing less than awesome (even if I did have some sort of gawd awful stomach virus on the 27th, and spent half the day in bed while my Mom watched Glenn...)Ron, Sid and Brett purchased a toy box for Glenn and his tons of new toys.

Hamming it up for the camera...
Looking gooood in Uncle Sid's hat

And, with the guys before they head back home. Sid, Glenn & Ron - this one is fuzzy because Glenn kept moving around, and Sid was trying to get him to face me. Two moving subjects and one still one = one fuzzy photo!
Ron, Glenn & Brett
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