Bernheim is about 40 miles from where we live, and we got there at around 9:00 am. The weather was fantastic. Not at all hot and cloudy enough to walk without sunglasses. We went to the Visitor's Center to get a map of the trails, and decided where to go first.
Bernheim Forest is a beautiful Arboretum in Bullit County, KY, with over 50 miles of hiking trails that "loop through knobs and valleys, along ridges and hollows. " ( The trails are divided into difficulty levels: easy, moderate and difficult. We chose a "moderate" trail called Iron Ore Hill Loop and, after we parked, I helped Scott strap on the Snugli and loaded Glenn onto his back.

Once we got on the trail, I let Caesar off his leash and he trotted on ahead of us. Caesar is a GREAT trail doggie, and I couldn't go to Bernheim without him. He stays on the trail, often going ahead, but always coming back to check on me. As usual, when he was in "check on everybody" mode, he'd pass Scott up to check on me. Once he saw me, he'd turn around & go ahead again. You have to look through the trees, to the left of Scott, to see him, but he's leading the way here:

Soon, I noticed a change in Glenn's posture. I thought, "Either he's looking up at the trees, or he's asleep!", so I asked Scott to stop for a minute. Sure enough, he had zonked out. Completely. There was something so unfair about him snoozing away while I was huffing and puffing my way up the hills...

He slept through the rest of the trail. This child can sleep anywhere.
After we managed to finish the trail (Scott was fine, but I kept saying, "Oh, for the love of Heaven!" every time I saw another hill ahead of us), we walked out onto the Canopy Tree Walk. This walkway takes you out over the edge of a cliff of sorts, and at the end (where we're standing in the picture) we were about 75 feet from the trail below. I'm betting the view is even better in the fall.
I look like doody in this picture, but I'm putting it up anyhow. (I must be a little loony.) The guy who took our picture tried to get Caesar in it, but since Caesar had lost all of his steam and was laying down at every opportunity, he's not in the picture. Oh well.

After we left Bernheim, we decided to head to Bardstown to visit my Grandparents. On the way, Glenn passed the time by chewing on my fingers and his duck.

Here's my Gammie holding him (and Caesar desperately trying to climb up onto the deck):

My step-sister, Tina, hadn't yet seen Glenn, so of course she just went silly over him. Here she is with her daughter, Danielle, and Glenn. (Yes, both Scott and I have sisters named Tina... crazy, eh?)

Of course, Nana was there to share in the spoiling of Glenn (can you really spoil a child this young? I think not.), but I'm not allowed to post her picture on here. ;) She loves her baby, tho. Like crazy. And I wouldn't have it any other way.
After some chatting and pizza, we packed everybody back in the car and headed home. It was a great day!
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