... and take an eternity. So, how about I just throw some current pictures up, like it hasn't been a year or so since my last post? I haven't figured out how to work this new blogger format, so I can't caption pics yet. Darn it.
Tonight was a lovely evening for some boys to play basketball.
First, the boys were playing randomly on their own - Sean with the basketball and Glenn in the trees & bushes. (The picture of Glenn looking like he's hiding is really him sitting on the bball goal, trying to protect his head from over-shoots.) Then Scott suggested they play a game of "HORSE", and proceeded to explain the rules to the boys. I have no clue what the rules really are, but Glenn was making some pretty interesting, and complicated, moves to be matched. I was told - repeatedly - to put the camera down during the attempts at shots that included hopping, skipping and butt-wiggling, so there's no proof of any of that. But it really did happen. And Scott won. (As you can see, Noodles was terribly excited by the whole thing, too. Or maybe it was the freshly fertilized grass. Or both.)