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Do you think Sean's having a good day?
Both Glenn & Sean got remote control Lightning McQueens from Tina & Ted. They LOVE them (Sean cried & cried & cried when we had to put the cars up, so he could go to sleep and asked for his as soon as he woke up this morning.)
Sean's investigating one of Simon's boxes
Granna & Pada gifted Glenn with the much-asked-for and long-awaited "Handy Manny: Big Construction Job" set. Glenn's playing with it as I type. 
Granna was called from one end of the house to the other to help open, put together, and play with the new toys
Trying to figure out how this thing works...
Glenn & Simon with the construction set
Watching football while playing
Simon got a rocket ship that was quite a hit, too.
Watching the fun
Vroom vroom!
Sean got a Weebles Musical Playhouse. Weebles have changed a lot since I was a kid!

Daddy trying to figure out why Glenn's Lightning won't run.
Fixed it! (Here, Ethan's asking if he can have a turn at it.)
Got Weeble?
Don't know who had more fun with the cars, the boys or the men.

Maggie, on the other hand, didn't dig the cars too much at all when they were moving. (Sitting still, they were at least worth sniffing.) 

Excellent day filled with family, fun & lots of love!
Lisa & Jessica joined the boys and I for the Halloween "party" at the zoo. This is the first time the boys and I have gone to this, and I'm certainly glad I didn't try to take them by myself!!Here's Jessica (as an Indian girl) in front of Bumpkin. I tried to get Glenn to stand with Jessica, but Bumpkin was talking to everyone, and Glenn was having none of that.
Sean is gesturing at his costume. I think. Or not. Maybe it was the pumpkins. Or just asking me what the heck I was taking a picture of. We may never know.
I know what he's pointing at, here. He was nuts about all the pumpkins.
Sean wore his costume for about 2 minutes.
I have no idea what he's doing here, but it's cute!
Glenn's tired of waiting to get moving (Lisa & Jessica were making a potty stop) and Sean was getting tired of the costume.
Let the trick-or-treating begin!
Sean stopped to point out every pumpkin for about the first 5 minutes. I was glad when he moved on to something else.

At one point, I turned around and Sean had vanished - into the hay maze. Glenn & Jessica weren't too far behind (you can just see Sean's head, in the back row)

He really wanted to get a closer visit with the ducks
Glenn would wear this costume, mask & all, 24/7 if I'd let him.
Had to stop again to chat with the ducks.
Lisa & Jessica
Jessica was more than willing to stop & have her picture taken with all of the characters - Glenn, not a one.
The non-living characters were fine & dandy, tho.
We stopped to eat at the dinosaur area, so the second half of our trek was in the dark.I think that Jessica was more than a little disappointed to find that all of the sweets in the candy land area were made of either plastic or wood.
Jungle Book
A rare shot of Glenn walking around without his mask
Glenn & Jessica
Sean loves to try to drive.
I had to climb in the van to get him out - another little boy was just about stomping, saying, "Sean! It's my turn! Seaaaaaan!" No idea who he was, but he heard me saying Sean's name & picked up on it.
We discovered that Sean digs Twizzlers
We already knew that Glenn likes to cheese it up for the camera (here, we were waiting for Jessica to get out of the 4-D SpongeBob ride)
Giant Legos! 

Last bit of fun was the Carousel. Nicely lit up for the festivities.
Sean's first ride, I believe.

At the end of the night, everybody was still smiling & willing to sit for a picture. That's the sign of a good time!!