On Saturday, 12/21, we celebrated Christmas with Scott's side of the family.
Here's Sean smiling at his Granna. (I love how his shirt only shows the important words - "me me me!") Opening presents! Doesn't Ted look thrilled? Granna, Pada & Sean all matched. It wasn't on purpose - at least not on my part. Glenn got an "art studio" from Granna & Pada. Glenn wore himself out. He was zonked within 3 minutes of leaving Tina's house. As soon as we got home, Glenn wanted his studio put together and wasted no time trying it out.
Glenn was being quiet and when I went to investigate, he was sitting between his chair & the window, with 2 markers... I saw what he'd been up to & said, "Stand up so Mommy can take a picture." Not only did he stand up, he held out the art! Within seconds, the bath water was orange. Thank goodness for washable markers!I couldn't catch a full smile with the camera, but these are close. This is what he's smiling at - his entertainment during diaper & clothing changes