On Saturday, 12/21, we celebrated Christmas with Scott's side of the family.
Here's Sean smiling at his Granna. (I love how his shirt only shows the important words - "me me me!") Opening presents! Doesn't Ted look thrilled? Granna, Pada & Sean all matched. It wasn't on purpose - at least not on my part. Glenn got an "art studio" from Granna & Pada. Glenn wore himself out. He was zonked within 3 minutes of leaving Tina's house. As soon as we got home, Glenn wanted his studio put together and wasted no time trying it out.
Glenn was being quiet and when I went to investigate, he was sitting between his chair & the window, with 2 markers... I saw what he'd been up to & said, "Stand up so Mommy can take a picture." Not only did he stand up, he held out the art! Within seconds, the bath water was orange. Thank goodness for washable markers!I couldn't catch a full smile with the camera, but these are close. This is what he's smiling at - his entertainment during diaper & clothing changes
Daddy getting ready for surgery Nana Lisa I'm exhausted, but it's all so worth it Glenn's a great big brother already Glenn in motion, in my room Jesse Granna Aunt Tina Getting ready to leave the hospital (can you tell I'm a bit drugged?) Sean under the bilirubin lights at home (we had these for 3 days) I looked up from the kitchen sink to see these two looking at me... Daddy's got both boys Gammie Gampaw Gammie & Glenn are looking at the pictures from Glenn's first year Pawpaw Glenn fought his nap so hard that Scott gave up trying to get him to sleep... not 10 minutes later, Glenn was passed out on the floor. Silly boy. I love these boys so very much Glenn holding up his truck for the camera - I don't know why Sean's first home bath Hanging out (Glenn took this picture) First non-screaming bath! (10/17) Glenn stole my seat Look at that fluffy, curly hair!! Have I mentioned that I love my boys?